Seniors Real Estate Specialists® or SRES® designees are REALTORS® qualified to address the needs of home buyers and sellers age 50+.
By earning the SRES® Designation, these REALTORS® have demonstrated the necessary knowledge and expertise to counsel clients age 50+ through major financial and lifestyle transitions in relocating, refinancing, or selling the family home.
ValEquity Real Estate SRES® Agents
Kristin Bell
p: 614.598.7148
Additional Information about SRES®
REALTORS® who carry the Seniors Real Estate Specialist® (SRES®) designation are specially qualified to address the real estate needs of those age 50+.
SRES® designees recognize that a home often is the largest and most precious asset that baby boomers and seniors have.
Thus, SRES® designees bring a unique approach to each transaction and interaction with clients. They not only offer a deep knowledge of real estate and the local and economic issues shaping market trends, but they’re also educated on issues of particular concern to aged 50+ clients.
Their special skills help such clients look at the big picture, factoring in financial issues and current and future care needs, to ensure that each client arrives at the best decision about selling a property and finding a new home.
Such REALTORS® also recognize the emotional dimension associated with selling a beloved family property and approach clients and family members with patience and empathy.
Ready to buy, sell, rent or relocate? Find an SRES® designee near you to get started!